....Panier..Cart..Mandje.... 0

Paniers..Little baskets..Mandjes



Les laines sont en train d'arriver, c'est tellement magique.Les couleurs, les différentes matières.Et même un peu de paillettes qui ne rêve pas de cela. Maintenant je rêve encore tout seule dans quelques jours c'est le grand moment. Et je partage avec vous mon bonheur.

J'ai trouvé des paniers pour tous les jours simplement magnifique.

Crocheted baskets 


The wool is arriving. It is really magic. The different colors, the different materials and even some sparkles who wouldn't dream of all that. For the moment I am dreaming all by myself but in a couple of days it is the big day and i will share with you this little piece of paradise.

I have found some beautiful baskets for every day. They are magnificent.

Crocheted baskets 


The wool is arriving. It is really magic. The different colors, the different materials and even some sparkles who wouldn't dream of all that. For the moment I am dreaming all by myself but in a couple of days it is the big day and i will share with you this little piece of paradise.

I have found some beautiful baskets for every day. They are magnificent.

Gehaakte mandjes


Enjoy your day! 

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